this article I am going to explain how to get first and last date of year, count
total number of days in year in Sql server.
the previous article I have explained how to get list of all month’s name inSql server, how to get year calendar with months name and number of days in sqlserver and how to validate corporate or business email address in usingRegularExpression.
Run the below
given Sql queries to get first, last date of year and count the number of days
in year.
--First day of Year--
SELECT [First Day of Year]=DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE()),0)
--Last day of Year--
SELECT [Last Day of Year] =
--Total number day of Days--
DECLARE @year int
SET @year=YEAR(getdate())
Select [Total number day of Days]= DATEDIFF(DAY,DATEADD(YEAR,@year-1900,0),DATEADD(YEAR,@year-1900+1,0))
Run the below
given query to get Start, end date of year and count number of days in year:
declare @date date, @total int
set @date= getdate()
set @total =year(@date)
DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,@date), 0) AS [First day of Year]
,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,@date) + 1, -1) AS [Last day of Year]
,DATEDIFF(DAY,DATEADD(YEAR,@total-1900,0),DATEADD(YEAR,@total-1900+1,0)) AS [Total number
day of Days]
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