this article I am going discuss the top 10 commonly asked Sql server queries in
1 1. Find the
Highest Salary of Employee
Select MAX(salary) from dbo.Tb_Employee
2 2. Find the nth
number highest salary
In this blow given I have find the second highest salary.
Select Top 1 Salary from(Select distinct top 2 salary from dbo.Tb_Employee order by salary desc) a order by salary asc
3 3. Find the nth
number lowest salary
Using below given query I am finding the second lowest salary.
Select Top 1 Salary from(Select distinct top 2 salary from dbo.Tb_Employee order by salary asc) a order by salary desc
4 4. Find the duplicate
Here I am finding the duplicate record (name) exist in table.
select name, count(*) as duplicate from dbo.Tb_Employee group by name
5 5. Calculate
the Running Total
Select name,phone,ems.salary,(select sum(salary) from dbo.Tb_Employee where id
< as Running from dbo.Tb_Employee
6 6. Convert the
select CONVERT(varchar(20),getdate(),103)
For more detail read this article date format in sql
7 7. Create a
clone of existing table without data
Select * into Tb_Clone from
dbo.Tb_Employee where
8 8. Generate row
number without rownum
Select *,(Select count(*) from Tb_Employee
i where >= row_num from
Tb_Employee o order by
9 9. Find the
unique values without using distinct
select salary from
Tb_Employee group by
1 10. Swap the
values of two column
update dbo.Tb_Employee
set salary=
Phone, Phone=salary
I hope you enjoyed this article.
You are welcome...