Monday, July 20, 2015

Solution: WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for jQuery

In this article I am going to explain how to solve the error: WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for jQuery

I have faced an error while I am working on “WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'. Please add a ScriptResourceMapping named jquery(case-sensitive).

This error occurs when I added the Validation control to validate the textboxes.

To solve the error add the below given code under appSettings in web.config file.
<add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="None" />

web.config markup:
    <add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="None" />

It sorts out the issue that I faced.

I hope it should sort out the error if you faced in future.

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